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Thoughts & Inspiration

Worthy of Living

The woman caught in adultery is a woman of second chances in John 8. I can relate to this woman. Not only did everyone around her condemn her for the sinful thing she had done but she also knew it was wrong. She felt shame and did not feel as though she deserved to live but she wanted to. Jesus knew what she had done too but when asked if they should stone her as the law commands, he said “The one without sin among you should be the first to throw a stone at her.” As each man walked away this scripture is abundantly clear that none of us are without sin or greater than the other. As Jesus finished writing in the sand, he stood up and said “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one.” she answered. “Neither do I condemn you,” Jesus said. “Go and from now on do not sin anymore.”


Jesus said her life was WORTHY. Let me say it louder…WORTHY OF LIVING!

How precious is this story? We shared this story with the women yesterday. I shared my testimony of being condemned by everyone and even the righteous when I sinned and even now, as I have been trying to live for God and serve. However, God sees my worth and His voice is the only one that matters. We used a fake diamond to represent how God sees us. He is the gemologist and divine architect of who we are. Only He can determine our worth. Upon placing the diamond in a jar of dirt and mud, I explained how this dirt represents our sin. When I took the diamond out of the jar, it was gross and dirty. It didn’t look as pretty as before. Sometimes that’s how we feel when we sin. We feel like we aren’t worthy of God’s love or worthy of living. Then, we took a glass of water to represent Jesus’ blood that washed our sins away and the repentance of our sins. The diamond looked brand new. In fact, its’ value or worth never changed. It just needed to be washed clean. We need this too and to be reminded we are worth more than diamonds as His precious daughters.



These women shared their testimonies of times they have felt removed from God because of sin and pain in their lives. It was the most humbling and blessed moment for us.  They are my sweet sisters and family. They understand now, that through Jesus, we are worth so much to God.

Take that message and carry it with you.

Her story matters. Your story matters. Let God use it for something beautiful and in order to transform your heart.